"At the Saskatchewan Goose Company, we want to ensure that our guests have the best hunting experience possible and we do everything we can to ensure this happens. Obviously, we can't control the weather or birds, but what separates us from the other guys is the amount of work my family and workers put into making this a trip of a lifetime."


I grew up in southern Ontario where my love of hunting started at a very young age. Some of my very first hunting trips were with my dad and uncle looking for coyotes, rabbits, pheasants, etc. I would later go on to enjoy moose hunting trips with my grandpa, but it wasn’t until I experienced waterfowl hunting with my long time friend, Steve that I found my true passion. After that day, I’d go waterfowl hunting at every chance I’d get. If I wasn’t hunting, then I was reading about ducks and geese. I tried to learn everything I could about birds and bird hunting.

Hunting in the southern most part of Canada on the Great Lakes is tough. There are a lot of pressures and it’s difficult to get on land. Being from this area made me a better hunter because only the most determined and passionate hunters would come home with any birds.

My love of the outdoors lead me to Sault College, where I completed my degree in Fish and Wildlife Conservation. While I was there, doors opened for me to start my guiding career. I have guided all over Canada, but it was when I landed in Saskatchewan, I knew I had to lay some roots. I started guiding for a local outfitter who took me under his wing and taught me what I needed to know and who I needed to know to be successful in Saskatchewan. After five years of working for him, I bought his waterfowl outfitting business and Saskatchewan Goose Company was born!

I would like to thank everyone who has helped me get to where I am today. To all my staff, past and present, for working countless hours day in and day out, thank you. Thank you to all the farmers and land owners for allowing us access to your land, if it wasn’t for you guys, we couldn’t bring people the experience we do and have them experience our great province. And last, but not least, an extra big thank you to my wonderful wife and my two boys. Thank you for putting up with all my crazy ideas. You guys are my rock and the reason I get to do what I love and call it my job.


This is the hardest working employee we have at camp. Boone dog is who will be picking up every bird you put down. His drive is top notch and he knows his job and gets it done every hunt. Tips and belly rubs are appreciate!