Our staff has been hand-picked from across Canada and they have grown to be part of our family. They are trusted with making sure you stay here with us is unforgettable. Our guides are top notch as well as our cooking and cleaning staff. We make sure all your needs are taken care of while you are here because once you come up to our lodge you are part of our family.


Blair comes to us from Niagra, Ontario and is a die-hard waterfowl hunter and sportsman. He is an exceptional guide with tons of knowledge and always has a smile on his face. He is also our “Mr. Fixit” for when things break or go south, he is there to save the day.


Andy comes to us from Wainfleet, Ontario and is one of the hardest workers on the team. He is an incredible spotter with a knack for all the details. When he puts you on birds, he knows how the hunt is going to go before it even happens. Andy also helps with our bear hunts and in our meat shop.


Janice is from Glaslyn Saskatchewan and he daughter Britt helps her run the kitchen and the lodge for us. They keep the lodge in pristine condition and make sure you never go hungry while you are in camp. Our menu is top notch and if you go hungry here, that is your fault. They are a joy to have in our camp with lots of smiles and fun and we are grateful they are wtih us.